
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Nifty Thrifting

I really enjoy finding things that i can redo and turn into something beautiful for my home at a really low cost or even free at times. What a better place to find little hidden treasures than a thrift store. A lot of people get discouraged at the subject of thrift stores but you can find really nice things to add to your home and make your own if you keep your mind open. That is why I am going to share a few gems I found a few months ago when I was on the hunt for supplies for a picture collage project. As many of you have probably realized, picture frames can sometimes be a bit outrageous and really add up! This is why I headed straight to a few of our local thrift stores and grabbed all of the ones I liked=]
I also found something to be my centerpiece for my dining table!

This is my DIY wall picture collage..and every single frame you see was purchased at the thrift store! I spent a grand total of $12 for all of these. I used some black paint I already had and left over beige paint from the wall I painted in this room to redo the frames and the monogram. 

All three of those candle holders were found at a thrift store as well! I paid a total of $10 for all of them. The funny part is I had to stop in Hobby Lobby that same day and saw the exact same ones for almost $30 a piece for the tall ones! Talk about an amazing deal=]

I hope you guys liked this thrifting post and definitely check out your local thrift stores for a budget friendly place for your home decor or DIY projects. Thank you and keep following=]  

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