
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A quick update


It has been a while..

I just wanted to get on here and give you a quick update on my life and why I haven't been posting. As you may remember me mentioning in a previous post, we bought a house! My husband and I bought our first home in May. It has been so exciting and we couldn't be happier now that we are home owners, which still makes me smile when I say it. With that being said, we have been extremely busy with little projects around the house. We have also had family come and visit for the very first time since being stationed here. I am so happy that they were able to see our house in person. I have finally gotten most of my projects under control and have accepted that no matter how much I accomplish, I will never be "finished" with my home. I will always find something else that I would like to change or do something to. Well, that is the reason I haven't been around lately but I have a list of things I need to blog about! Stay tuned to see plenty of before and after photos and many of my projects! =]

thank you so much!
<3 Kat

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