
Sunday, April 27, 2014

craft room progress

Hi guys! I am sorry for being MIA for the past just got in the way. I wont bore you with all of my excuses but I will tell you some amazing news! My husband and I purchased a home!!=] we are so happy and excited and cannot wait to get out of base housing. Of course you know what this means, a ton of posts about all of my projects in the new house are on the way! I cannot believe i will have a house that is mine and i have the freedom to do what i want, SO EXCITING!
But enough about that, lets get into today's blog post. I wanted to go ahead and post what i have done to this house and some before and after posts before we move to show how i have transformed certain rooms. Please keep in mind that i was nowhere finished and had a lot of lined up projects and ideas, but now that energy can be put into my own home. I will start with my new craft room, I actually painted this pretty recently...before we found a house we wanted. So, naturally, now i have to paint it back white before we move out..don't you just love how things happen. Anyway, the room before was pretty useless. It had a desk, a cheetah rug and a bookshelf, needless to say I didnt go in there too often.
Here is the before picture, used some hand-me-down items and stuff i had from high school to put this room together. 

I decided i needed a space where i could devote my creativity to and have room to work on my projects (and eliminate paint and burlap from being on my kitchen counters)

And here is how far i got! the paint color is "Tree Bark Grey" from Walmart. The picture doesn't do it justice, it does have some grey undertones. the new rug was purchased from Kmart, on sale! I was aiming for the taupe and black color scheme and accent with cream. I was going to make ruffle cream curtains but didn't get that far.  

My craft table is two square storage cubicles from Target in the color "black ash" and a piece of wood i had cut at home depot and painted black to match. I just used Liquid Nails to secure the table top to the cubes. I then purchased storage baskets, my bar stool from Walmart, my Martha Stewart craft mat and other crafting tools, and my spinning storage carousel from Hobby Lobby.   

I will eventually have a sewing station in my craft room as well so i started making some decor to play with the crafting and sewing theme. I made these large all "buttons" from two extra chargers and the small one is a plastic plate. I did two coats on the two black ones and then hot glued the twine in an X pattern in the middle to resemble buttons. 

I love the way this "button" turned out. I painted it the tan color first and then went in with the cream color and light handedly made it look distressed, i then went in with a dry paint brushed and lightly wiped off some of the paint. hen glued the twine on the same as the black ones.  

Aren't the scissors just adorable! I got them from hobby lobby and painted them then stamped them on one side. I also added a little brad for some glam!

The bookshelf is pretty much the same as before but now it houses my new wireless printer. 

This is a wall shelf unit i purchased at a yard sale for $10 and spray painted it black. I just have some cards i have made recently on it along with some wooden stamps from Stampin Up!

and from the other side of the room. I took off the ugly wood bifold closet doors with the intention of putting up matching curtains here as well. I also wanted decorative picture and storage boxes on the shelf above my laptop area. 

I hop you guys enjoyed this post of my craft room so far. I will kepp you updated on the changes that are made in the new house. I will most likely combine this decor with my foyers decor for the new home. 
Thank you so much! keep on following=]
<3 Kat

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